Fluxus – Portfolio Theme for Photographers



Version 1.8 overview

  • Gutenberg blocks are now supported. When editing content in admin area you will see same styling as on the actual website.
  • Code quality improved to match ThemeForest requirements.
  • Slight design adjustments to refresh the look.
  • Improved performance.
  • Fixed IE Edge, Android Mobile & WordPress 5.3 issues.

Version 1.7 overview

  • Support for self hosted videos and ‘no controls playback’ in portfolio projects.
  • Portoflio projects support self hosted videos.
  • Design tweaks.
  • Improved performance and stability.
  • Updated admin UI for Project media.

After updating your theme to 1.7

  • Visit admin area. On first visit Fluxus will make any required data changes.
  • Visit Appearance > Customize and update your accent color. This will regenerate accent color CSS.

Version 1.6 overview

Introduced a completely new Fluxus Lightbox.

  • Upgraded mobile UI to support full set of actions: pinch, horizontal pan, vertical pan, tap, double tap.
  • Added support for zooming on mobile.
  • After showing an image, a higher resulution image will be loaded in background and then displayed when ready. This results in much better quality on high-resolution screens.
  • Rearranged controls so they are more intuitive. Close button is now in top right corner – a more common space.
  • Updated opening animation with smooth transition.
  • Modern click-anywhere navigation with clever indicator.
  • If user is idle for 8s then all controls will fade out.
  • Loading indicator will be shown only if loading takes longer than 800ms.

Version 1.5 overview

Key new features of Full Page Slider:

  • YouTube, Vimeo and self-hosted video support.
  • New user-friendly admin UI.
  • Content positioning is much smarter. Closest corner is used when calculating position, this results in more accurate positioning on different screens.
  • Content box width can be customised using admin UI.
  • WYSIWYG editor that allows basic formatting for content.
  • Better performance, smooth experience on mobile and improved visual details.

Page with Background template replaced by Full Page Slider Page with Background template was removed because same visual style can be achieved by creating Full Page Slider using single slide. Plus you get various customisation options available in Full Page Slider.

Notes before updating to version 1.5

After installing 1.5 you must visit admin area. A background script will kick in and migrate your data to a new format. Then you please check all your pages that use Full Page Slider and Page with Background templates. I have tested the migration script many times, however there is a chance that you will need to adjust settings to achieve the desired look. Hope you will enjoy the new Full Page Slider.